Download FLTK 1.3.3
Download VS2010
I assume you've already installed VS2010 correctly.
Compile the FLTK:
Go to your FLTK 1.3.3 folder (C:\FLTK\fltk-1.3.3\ide\VisualC2010), open fltk.sln, choose Release mode, right click Solution 'fltk' (79 projects), choose Rebuild.
Wait a long time for make process, have a cup of coffee :)
Now, the configuration is done, enjoy it :)
Create a new empty project,
Project->Project Property->Configuration Properties->VC++Directories ->Include Directories:
Project->Project Property->Configuration Properties->VC++Directories ->Library Directories:
Project->Project Property->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input:
comctl32.lib fltk.lib fltkforms.lib fltk_forms.lib fltkgl.lib fltk_gl.lib fltkimages.lib fltk_images.lib fltkjpeg.lib fltk_jpeg.lib fltkpng.lib fltk_png.lib fltkzlib.lib fltk_zlib.libCreate a test.cpp file as below:#define WIN32#include "FL/Fl.h"#include "FL/Fl_Box.h"#include "FL/Fl_Window.h"int main(){ Fl_Window window(500,500, "Test"); Fl_Box box(0,0,500,500,"Hello World!");; return Fl::run();}